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March 11,2024: Workshop on
CPR and AED Readiness

Dare County’s Retired School Personnel have been interested in adding to their knowledge about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and Becky Strickland took the lead in making this happen: she was able to ask the Kitty Hawk Fire Department to help out in this endeavor. CPR is a lifesaving technique that is useful in emergencies when a person’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. CPR, as well as the use of AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is used in public domains where cardiac arrest may occur. They also taught about giving first aid for a choking victim, or using the Heimlich maneuver. The 9 members of Dare County’s NCRSP (and 2 husbands) learned much about these techniques, and noted that they would now be able to help, or even take charge, in an emergency situation. Thanks go out to KHFD members: Deputy Chief Jasper Rogers, Captain Antons, Captain Zach, Lieutenant Reynolds, Firefighters Tobi Wild and Brian Ireland: very interesting and extremely informative.


February 27, 2024: Spring is Coming #5

We had our February meeting today at Mulligan's Grille: we shared information on several items. These included:

  1. Next Tuesday is NC Primary Election Day, and early voting is going on right now.

  2. Barbara White notes that our group has a Delta Zeta Spelling Bee Team, consisting of herself, Francine Kennedy, Pam Lucas, and Carol Sparks. Come and watch this spectacular event!

  3. Becky Strickland has shared a CPR Class on March 11, 4-6 pm at KHUMC Church - and we are all invited to attend. Many have signed up already, and reminder notes will go out soon.

  4. Linda Foster told about a program that takes sneakers, and turns them in - and the collection is a money-maker (for uniforms) for women cheerleaders that have graduated from the schools' special education classes.

  5. Jo Voigt talked about plastic collection, for creating benches in KDH parks.

  6. Connie Outten talked about a Zoom yoga class that many have been taking - come join!

After this informative meeting, and a wonderful luncheon - the meeting ended with a super raffle for our educational scholarship program.

January 24, 2024: "Cool" Meeting # 4

The January meeting was an informative one! Juli, Maureen, Linda F. and Sue gave out info about more Covid Tests, Capital One security, how to get online for deposits and other banking details, Go365 (it benefits your health - and gives rewards), Air Tags (which keeps track of your luggage and other personal items) and the importance of having a class in CPR (which Becky is in the process of arranging). All aspects were very interesting! And Juli was one of the beneficiaries of the Raffle today!





December 6, 2023 Holiday Meeting 3

Our holiday meeting was a success, both in a social-bonding term and in monetary terms.  Francine Kennedy welcomed Tamara Warren, who gives assistance and support to seniors, helping them age in place with dignity and independence. She gave much good information, telling about her ability to make seniors happy in their homes.  As well, we talked about the local Food Pantries, and took up a collection for the holiday gift that we will present to them: according to a very quick count, we raised over $1000 today. Linda Foster also presented Jessica Loose with a gift from the Region 7A meeting, which recognized her as the DC Unit's Volunteer of the Year 2022. Happy holidays to all who were here, and all the rest of you, helping out in the many ways you can!

October 25: Meeting 2

Our meeting was divine! And delicious, too! (Thank you, Plaza Azteca Ristorante...) There were 22 members attending, and had a business meeting chaired by Juli Perkins. We focused on this year's schedule, health concerns, and of course, our meeting was followed by Carol Spark's famous Scholarship Raffle...All in the name of educating our High Schoolers that are dipping their foot in the Education waters of college!


(And even though our sweet server took 8 pix, we STILL didn't get everyone PERFECT in one of them!)








First Meeting of
the 2023-24 School Year

We got together at Plaza Azteca Mexican Restaurant, and had a splendid time focusing on our tasks for the year.  Started by meeting all of our officers and committee chairs , as well as making a donation to the Lahaina group of retired teachers, who had lost so much in the recent fire in Maui.  We heard about Dare to C.A.R.E., who did cardiovascular screenings on some of our members, and they are hoping to screen more.  Linda Jernigan, our newly retired teacher,  was also welcomed into our group. This is a great start to our new year!

Joining the Dare County Schools Convocation

We were at the Convocation: DCS brought teachers and staff in at FFHS - with a marvelous speaker, George Couros.  It was good to be able to see teachers and staff we have been close with. (and thank you for this pic, Carol Sparks!)

Scholarship Recipients Class of 2023

The Dare County Unit of NCRSP was pleased to present scholarships to members of the Dare County Class of ‘23. Here, Mary Blythe, Scholarship Chairperson, conveys scholarships to several of the Seniors who plan to major in Education. Funds have been collected all during the NCRSP’s year, and yielded $500 to assist each student during their future years in college.

Kierianna Berry (MHS), Briana Lee (MHS), Thomas May (FFHS), Stella Bryson (FFHS); Not pictured, Charlotte Ernst (FFHS), Mary Kathryn Stroud(FFHS)

February 22, 2023 Meeting

Great meeting for the Dare County Unit: 15 members of our group met at 3 Tequilas Restaurant. Although we missed our President, our Vice-President took over for her today. Excellent information given and we thought about a way to make our group more "known" to other Retired School Personnel that don't know about us. 

Winter Wonderland Meeting: January 25, 2023

Our January meeting was an informative one: Carol Sparks chaired the group today, speaking about IRA distributions for those over 72; Barbara talked about the Community Spelling Bee team that our group is part of (and needs Bee-sters to make up a 4-person team); we all spoke of our GO365 Reward successes; Linda F. reminded all to keep up with their Community Service calendars - and said our Chapter reward was going to Jessica Loose this year. The NCRSP convention will be on March 8-9 - and anyone wanting to be involved either virtually or in person, may call Juli ASAP and let her know!

Holiday Meeting: December 7, 2022

Our November-December Holiday Meeting was a good one! We had 22 members attending at 3 Tequilas Mexican Restaurant - and we all had a great time being together.

October 26, 2022
Celebrating Fall


Starting Another New School Year: 2022-23

The Dare County Unit of NCRSP is back in business for the school year, 2022-23. Our first meeting was held at Three Tequilas Restaurant in Kill Devil Hills, NC. Our intrepid President, Mrs. Juli Perkins, conducted the meeting, with 22 in attendance. She introduced the officers: Vice-President, Carol Sparks; Secretary, Connie Outten; and Treasurer, Barbara Hardy. Each of these persons, and other Committee leaders spoke on their committees' progress during this Business Meeting. One interesting way to turn good health into a gift card, is to join Go 365 Humana online! Juli then told of Memorials that were given from our Unit, in memory of Steve Basnight, Jr. and Braxton Hall, who passed away earlier this year.


The Dare County Unit was happy to get together and eat a wonderful lunch, served by The Three Tequilas Restaurant: they look forward to meeting there again on October 27, at noon.

May: Last Meeting of the School Year

President Perkins shows an award we received.

Carol Sparks, our Raffle MC, digs into her treasure box...

Lynn Blackburn receives "Volunteer of the Year" from Linda Foster.

...and Maureen King is selected! Great prizes for donating to the Scholarship Fund.

NCRSP members at Three Tequilas Restaurant.


Barbara Hardy receives Volunteer of the Year award for 2020.

April Musings and
a Virtual State Convention

These ladies are deep in thought prior to our meeting.

NC Representative Dr. Alma Adams gives a talk in our State Convention, online.

Online State Convention attendees!

Leaf Pattern Design

Our Volunteers of the Year:


Maureen King, Linda White,

Linda Foster, Jessica Loose

March 23, 2022

Members present at Dare County Board of Education Meeting:

Juli Perkins, Sue Ward

Carol Sparks, Mary Blythe,

Linda Foster, Jo Voigt 

In-Person Holiday Meeting at 3 Tequilas
December 1, 2021

In this meeting, we collected over $976 in funds for our area Food Pantries!


Pandemic School Year 2020-21
May 26, 2021: Mulligan's Bar & Grill

Pandemic School Year 2020-21
February 24, 2021: Zoom Meeting (virtual)

February 26, 2020
Closer to Spring!

January 22, 2020

Winter Meeting

December 4, 2019: Holiday Meeting

Region 7a Fall Meeting 2019

2018-19 School Year

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500 Terry Francois St. San Francisco, CA 94158


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